Monday, June 15, 2009

I'm in Kenya!

Hey guys!

So sorry it has taken me so long to write. We've not had internet access until tonight. We're here, though!! We're safe and everything is going very well! We're having the time of our lives! I love it here and have never been this happy in my life! :)

I wish I could write more but it is really late here and others are waiting to use the computer. I will try to write tomorrow. I know we'll have more access on Thursday, so, if not tomorrow then Thursday!!

Love you guys very much!!


P.S. Sorry mom and dad for not calling.. The phone card isn't working.. At all!! I've been trying, but no luck at all. I don't know what is wrong with it. We're fine though. Don't worry. I love you guys.

P.P.S. Mrs. Sandra-- Brittany is doing great! She's having a blast and completely safe. :-)


  1. So glad you are o.k. We were a little worried about you. Hope you are having a great time and getting a lot out of it. We are in NYC. Love,
    Mom and Dad and Will

  2. OE AOUF HASOFH HASFUHKH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I MISS YOU LIKE WHOA!!! KUJA HAPA ALREADY!!! I can't wait to hear everything!!!! Its soo good to hear from Mrs. Hawkins and Euti when they've called to know how well you all are doing!!! I've been praying like its my job for you all, oh and do some boom chica boom when you're at the youth center the kids LOVE that!! You know the song: I said a boom chica boom, ", I said a boom chica laka chicka laka chica boom..uh huh, uh huh, oh yeah, oh more time, one more time, ____ differnet things like, cheer leader style(get super stoked, and jump around), really really sad style (boo hoo while you do the song again), happy style, rock star style, just to name a few...the kids FEED off of that song. Melissa or someone taht went in 07 should remember how to do it and will teach you. Ok..I just realized I wrote a novel instead of a comment, but I dont care! I know how good it feels to hear from someone on the other side!! So know this: I love you, can't wait to hear all about it, and I'm praying for you!!! Tell amanda and everyone i said hellur!
