Monday, June 22, 2009

Almost Safari Time!

Hey guys!

So, today is our last day in Nairobi. I've not been this sad in a very long time. It was so hard to say goodbye to everyone today. I love them so much.

We leave in the morning to go to Maasai Mara for our SAFARI! Despite how much it sucked to say bye to everyone today, I am very excited about the Safari. I've heard it is completely unbelievable. It should be awesome. :)

Anyways, today we spent at The Youth Center. It was full of the most amazing children ever! There were about 200 of them total and each one was equally darling. We ran a vacation Bible school for them. They loved it! They completely soaked up every second of it. The entire Bible school went well!

The Youth Center is located literally 20 feet from the largest dump in Kenya. It was so sad. No words could ever describe how sad it was. There were so many people going
through the trash and cleaning their clothes in the river that runs through it. I wish that everyone could see that school and where it is located. To say that today was life changing and eye opening would be an understatement. My heart aches for those children.

I have to go pack and go to bed now. I'm not sure if I will be able to write the rest of the trip or not.. If not I will be back in the states at 9:00 PM on Saturday (if all goes as planned!).

I love you all!

Please continue to pray!


Mom: Just a few things.. Please, PLEASE, PLEASE bring me Chic-fil-a to the airport. My stomach needs American food and I can't imagine anything better than a number 1 combo from Chic-fil-a! Also, I have my adapter to plug into the TV with me-- so, I'm not sure how early you have to leave Nana's on Sunday, but if you wanted I can show all my pictures on the TV to who ever wants to come to Nana's. I want to call you tonight but I'm not sure how many minutes I have... If not I will call you from London on Saturday morning. I love you!

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